Recently heard the very sad news that fellow blogger Newbius passed away. Much to my regret I didn't know him well, having only met him at the Charlotte N.R.A. convention and at Jay G's birthday party. I did however, read his blog whenever he wrote on it. I think I picked up a good feel for what kind of man he was by reading his words. Newbius struck me as a man who had a very strong sense of right and wrong, and was not a person who brooked fools easily. But he was also generous and forthright and had a highly developed sense of humor. At Jay G's party, he kept on lifting Jay's new knife every chance he got, which amused me beyond belief watching those two.
It seems that one of the saddest things about when someone dies, is that the living that are left behind the majority of the time always have regrets. Mostly about what they didn't say to the departed, what they didn't get around to doing with the departed and so on. I admit, I wish I had gotten to know Newbius better, to drop him a note to say I enjoyed his blog or even ask him about the art and mystery of pizza making. I just hope that I can learn from this and start saying what needs to be said and doing what needs to be done before it's too late. Ms. Nancy of "Excels at Nothing" blog started the Newbius Meme and I would like to join in. Here's my three:
Ms. Nancy of the world famous "Excels at Nothing" blog.
Even if I didn't know and love Ms. Nancy in person, I would still follow her blog (and no doubt still love her) *grin* She has a slightly quirky world view which makes me laugh and is one of the most generous and giving woman I have ever known. With sweet daughter tossed into the mix, it's a winning combination that I cherish and value.
Ms. Brigid of "Home on the Range" Blog.
I like so many other southerners love the English language. Someone who speaks well or better yet, writes well stands pretty high in my estimation. Brigid is pretty damned high up there. She can paint a vivid and colorful portrait of almost anything with just a few well chosen words. She also has had her share of hard times and shares them with her readers, not in a "poor, pitiful me" mode, but rather in the "well, the ice is a little thin there, you might want to watch out where you step" or " I got burned, but I made it through, you can too" mode. I can honestly say that I always feel better about life in general after reading her post, and add to that she has a wicked sense of humor that comes out every now and then. Her blog is well worth a stop by.
Jay G. of "MArooned" blog
I consider Jay G. my blog step-daddy. When I first ventured into this strange world of blogging Jay's blog convinced me that sometimes it is a good thing to do what is right, and let the chips fall where they may. Another thing about Jay is that like Wyatt Earp said about "Doc" Holliday "I like that old rip, he makes me laugh" I never thought I would say that about ANYBODY or ANYTHING from the commonwealth of Massachusetts. *grin*
There of course are many other bloggers I follow and enjoy, and I will get around to letting them know, but these folks are the tops on my list at least for now. So folks, do yourself a favor and let your favorite blogger know that you appreciate what they do. I am sure that Newbius would appreciate it.
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