I got this from a good friend of mind, who got it from a friend of his who found it in the archives.
I can't imagine this being written today. However I think that the alleged crime it mentions still happens from time to time. Heck in my time, you MIGHT have been able to write it about me. That WAS many years ago however.
Pasquotank County: Superior Court of Law
Fall Term AD 1850
The jurors for the state upon their oath present that Spence Walker, late of Pasquotank County on the 10th day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand, Eight Hundred and fifty and on divers other days and times both before and since that day up to the taking of this inquisition with force and arms at and in said county in certain public streets and highways there situated and in the presence of divers persons then and there being, did become and was then and there, publicly, notoriously and indecently drunk. And so say the jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say that the said Spence Walker then and there was and more is a public and common drunkard to the evil example of the good citizens of the state and against the peace and dignity of the State.
W.N.H. Smith Sob.
Commentary: Mythologies About Musk
26 minutes ago