Well I am back from Maryland and back in the swing of things at Casa Williams.
I must say that I was just a little disappointed with the event I went to. Not that the event it's self was bad, from all that I heard from the folks that were there as well as what I saw it seemed to be a great event. My disappointment came from the fact that my knee let me down once again. I got to the event about 7:30 on Saturday morning and found Doc and Miss Jan set up and ready to go. Doc had his medical gear and Ms. Jan was there in support. That was all the Dragon crew that was there. The boss was down with the flu and no one else on the crew could make it. I brought my rope stuff and worked up a ditty bag for a shipmate and just talked to the public. We were set up between the Royal Marines and the 21st so I had plenty of reenactor friends to talk to also. And of course, Ms. Jan to flirt with. After off-loading the car, I had a pretty good walk in from the parking area (even with finding a handicapped spot in the visitor parking. which was only one quarter the distance that I would have walked from the regular reenactor parking. ) Now one of the good things about setting up where where we did was the fact that I had good friends in both of the surrounding groups. Every now and then, I was offered refreshments which I was much too polite to refuse. Hard cider and M&Ms, are a perfect finish to a plowman's lunch. -GRIN- Since I wasn't able to take to the field, I had even made arrangements to have a buddy show up to serve as a surrogate trigger puller for me. Mr Randal of the Virginia branch of my family said he would show up so that I could drink a few after hours if I so desired. (I refuse to drive a car after even one drink of alcohol. I have seen that kind of foolishness screw up way too many people)
As the day progressed, the knee got worse and worse, until when it was time for the the park to shut down for the day I gave it up and went back to the Randall homestead where ice bags, tens unit and knee established a therapeutic repartee.
All in all, a bust of a event for me, but I was glad I went so I could spend time with my extended family, shipmates and friends.
Fuck all y'all
46 minutes ago
Sorry to hear the knee is giving you so much trouble. From what I'm told it was a great event. I hope you can get it squared away soon.
Well, that explains why I couldn't find my shipmate Saturday night. I am so sorry your knee gave out and you had to leave as I was looking forward to sharing a tot with my friend as well as meeting some of the Dragons. I hope to see you soon!
Thanks shipmates,
I gotta a plan for getting this knee squared away. By this time next year, it shouldn't even be a issue.
Chris, I have your ditty bag done, when I see Andrew at Alamance I can give it to him.
So what do you lads think about making a road trip to Port Columbus for their event in March? I might even be in Navy blue by that time. Stranger things have been known to happen.....
Well, we have talked about doing the Port Columbus event off and on in the past, but we never could drum up enough interest to make the trip worthwhile. I'd like to do it one day, but there's a problem with their 2009 schedule. They've moved the program from March to April 4-5. We are already committed to do a Colonial/Rev War living history at Historic Bath on April 4 (and they've already put it on some published calendars). I think Port Columbus moved their event back because they are officially dedicating their full-size Water Witch replica that weekend and they were afraid it wouldn't be completed on time (but that's just my guess).
Well, we could go to this one next year, you would LOVE it........
I'd say that we should talk about it. Let me check with Bruce at Port Columbus and find out if they have finalized the dates for '09 yet.
Ah ha! Andrew beat me to the punch. That kinda knocks Port Columbus out for '09. As for Pirates on the Chattahochee, I have only one thing to say........ ARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Oh ye, of little faith; I got Port Columbus' newsletter in the mail last week, which is how I knew about the change of date for River Blast. I'm one step ahead of you, Cap'n!
And as for Pirates of the Chattahoochee, all I have to say is, you both suck! Damn pirates.
Ah man.........
I think I am hurt. After all, I was planing on helping you weave some beads and such in your goatee ala' Jack Sparrow for our next event. That's what I get for trying to be a nice guy. -GRIN-
And I found a nice sword that I was going to buy for him....I just don't feel the love! No grog for you mister!!!
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