In 1986....
The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 72 seconds into it's launch, killing all 7 members of it's crew.
Again, to challenge the unknown, to boldly go where no one has gone before, sometimes has a very high price. America has been blessed by having people who are willing to take the risk and pay that price to advance mankind's knowledge. May their brave souls find peace among the stars that they died trying to reach.
In 1596....
The English Dragon, Scourge of the Spanish Main, Navigator and Warrior, Sir Francis Drake died while at sea off the coast of Panama.
In 1915....
The modern United States Coast Guard was organized and named a military service. It's preceding organizations, the Lifesaving Service, the Revenue Cutter Service as well as the U.S. Lighthouse Service had been in service for some time before this, but it was decided that there was a need to combine the duties of lifesaving, as well as fighting the smuggling of contraband. While it is one of the smaller of our armed forces, it in no way takes a back seat to it's sister organizations. The motto of the Coast Guard is Semper Paratus or "Always Ready" The Coast Guard and it's personnel time and time again have gone in harm's way to rescue people and ships in peril on the sea. No matter what the weather or condition, the Coast Guard has always been ready to do it's duty. Brave men and women on the cruel sea.
Tell me you're a Vet without saying you're a Vet
39 minutes ago
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