Here's a interesting one for you.
I have recently started attending a church with my wife. and both the pastor and my wife have made it very clear that they wouldn't mind if I carried concealed while attending services.
I know that it's a good idea, since the trolls out there see churches and other places of worship as prime hunting areas. As the pastor said to me, " I am the Shepard of this flock, but I wouldn't mind knowing there was a sheepdog out there if needed." but still I feel just a little weird about it, sorta like wearing a hat at the dinner table.
So faithful readers and friends out yonder in blog land, what think you about this development?
Tell me you're a Vet without saying you're a Vet
45 minutes ago
Which development? You going to church or wearing a pistol while doing so? *grin*
I think it’s a good idea in both cases.
You know the story about the guy stuck on his roof during a flood and another guy comes by in a boat to rescue him? The guy on the roof refuses help, saying “The Lord will save me!” This goes on a couple of more times as the water continues to rise. The guy on the roof is eventually swept away by the rising water and drowns. As St. Peter ushers him through the pearly gates, Roof Guy asked God what went wrong. “I thought you’d save me!” he said. God replied that he sent no fewer than 3 guys by in boats, what else was he supposed to do?
Maybe your job is to be the guy in the boat.
Maybe, but it's like the pastor said, two out the 12 disciples carried swords so maybe I AM in good company. -grin-
Not only did two disciples carry swords, but the Lord told the others, "If you do not have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
Speaking as someone who has done both Confession and Communion (separate occaisions) with a machine gun strapped to my back, I don't see the problem, so long as the pastor is cool with it.
If, God forbis, something awful happens during church, it's likely to be either you defending the parish, or the choir trying to hold him off by throwing hymnals. Heck, I'll bet y'all don't even have a decent sized processional cross that could double as a baseball bat, like a Catholic or Anglican church would. {grin}
It's just a tool -- more so on your hip than most people's.
The pastor at the church Lori and I used to attend was an avid hunter and Civil War buff. I don't know how he would have felt about a firearm in the church, but it wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't one in his Jeep out in the parking lot! He was also a pipe smoker, so he and I bonded right off the bat. He retired two years ago; I miss him.
Taking into account all the nutjobs running loose these days, I think a gun makes sense. It is a shame that our country is heading in a direction where one finds in necessary to "pack heat" when worshiping God. It is so sad....
Better you than someone who doesn't know how to handle guns among civilians.
I think it's great. My pastor held a quiet meeting with several members of the congregation. She told us she'd heard that we were CCW licensees. I expected a lecture, but she asked us to continue to carry in the church. Said it was part of her Safe Sanctuary program.
I see nothing inherently wrong with carrying in church. My morality or sense of right and wrong isn't checked at the church-house door. If anything, those senses are enhanced by my entrance there.
I love the shepherd and sheepdog remark.
I avoid any public place where I can not go armed. I've at least two bad guys who have threatened to kill me when they get out of jail (where I helped put them). I always carry when I legally can. ALWAYS.
Unfortunately, that usually includes a church.
Thanks for the feedback guys!
Like I said, I don't have any problem with it. I just never thought things would ever get so bad as to require someone to carry a weapon in a church. Silly me. -grin-
The good lord gave us the intellect to assess the situation and then act accordingly.
If evil forces lurk outside the church door (and they do) then defend with tooth, claw and "firearm" to protect your loved ones on the inside of that door.
Nuff' said bout' that!
Love the blog, first time here by way of Bridgid's blog.
Hi Native,
Thanks for the kind words, and welcome to my blog. As we say down here, "make yourself at home" -grin-
(I don't know how to do the fancy embedded clicky-linky thing.)
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