Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Been A While...................

It dawned on me while sitting here, it has been a bit since I posted. My muse has left me, my computer is about to go west and I have been back in the hospital twice under emergency conditions. So I just haven't had the fire to post. Also old news isn't that interesting but I will type a few things that MAY interest you.

My unit DID win three awards at the M.T.A. event back in March which made me very, very proud. We won first place in period clothing, Second in camp interpretation, and Third in camp cooking. (A personal note, We wuz robbed!!!!!!!!! The food was MUCH better than 3rd place) Like I have said, I couldn't ask for a bunch of better folks than those who work with me in the hospital.

Well that's all for now, more later.

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