Well, less than three days to go until the road trip of all road trips and things are starting to slowly come together. I am getting my buttons polished, odds and ends gathered and even bought a new camera to try to record the trip. We fly out of Charlotte on Thursday and every thing seems to be A-O.K. I figured that since this was a first for the hospital and we wanted to put our best foot forward, that I would wear the full dress uniform of the hospital to include a wig. Now the interesting thing will be if I can get all the stuff down south without losing, damaging or misplacing anything. I will be carrying a new sword (If Godwin gets the shoulder carriage to me in time) and I will also have a walking stick that was owned by Ian Anderson to help me along on my walking. Ian was one of the founding members of the hospital who died a few years back. I still miss him and I know he would have done anything to be on this trip with us. Maybe by bringing the cane, a bit of Ian's spirit might just make the trip too. I can only hope so.
I hope to be able to take a few items to make some medicines with. I plan on making at least one ointment and some lozenges. Packing that stuff will be tricky with the T.S.A. folks being as sensitive as they are these days.That would be all I need, to get jammed up in Charlotte with a bag full of various powders, knives and other odd items.
I do have a good quantity of snuff for the trip. I wonder if I can convert some of the locals to that "vile" habit. It should be fun to try.
I hope the weather is warm down there. If it is, I swear that I am going to sit in the sun for hours, and let the warmth cook my bad knee. It is still aching like a bad tooth, which I think in no small part is coming from the damp weather around here.
And I'll leave you with this:
1 hour ago
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again......
I just had to do it (grin) Have a great time!
Uh huh, you trying that siren call again? GRIN
I will bring ya something back from down south. We can share it the following weekend down at the coast.
Have a great time, kiddo! Say hi to everyone and BE CAREFUL with that knee. Remember the time I spent a weekend in a wheelchair at Williamsburg!
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