Monday, January 4, 2010


Did I tell ya my buddy Rick just LOVES bacon?

True story. Since my surgery, I can't take in as much food as I did, so I crave taste and textures. More bang for my buck, taste wise. I discovered Jowl bacon was even better than regular bacon so I brought some up to share with Rick, Nancy and the little whipper. The other morning, Ms. Nancy cooked up some and when she placed the platter on the table, Rick, well I have only seen that kind of reaction from a well trained English setter going on point. Rick was actually trembling. He didn't take his eyes off the plate as he asked Ms. Nancy, "Do you have any plans for that bacon?" Ms. Nancy with aplomb replied that she "WOULD like one piece to eat."

Did I tell you my buddy Rick REALLY LOVES bacon?

1 comment:

Chris Grimes said...

Baaaaaccccccooooonnnn! Now I know how to tempt Rick!