By the time you folks read this, I should be back in Carolina, with the Memsahib and cats and dog. Time to go back home and end my little vacation.
Yesterday, I had a chance to go to a indoor range with Ms. Nancy. We went to The Range, just outside of Fredericksburg VA. (I think they are more properly in the town of Stafford)
Not a bad range, all in all. The staff were friendly and it beat standing out in the wind.
Miss Nancy and I worked on developing muscle memory and learning where all the parts of her weapon are. We did multiple magazine changes, malfunction drills as well as working on some of the basics of marksmanship and safety. Now to be honest with you I would love to be able to say that due to the keenness of my intellect and my skills as an instructor that Miss Nancy became a skilled and proficient marksman, but again, I didn't do that much. I am one of those folks who think that there are some folks that have a natural talent for various things. Miss Nancy happens to have a talent for shooting. She just needed a tweak here and there, more suggestions than anything else. In the meantime, she very happily blew the better part of the 10 ring out of a B-27 police silhouette target with her XD. I left her with a few ideas on how to include a flashlight in her shooting and told her to practice what she had learned until I could come up again in March. I am looking forward to seeing how she has progressed in that time.
Some days the fish DO catch themselves
7 minutes ago
I got a small package in the mail. Something knitted and very Celtic looking. Was that my Christmas gift from the time warp household. The label was munched.
If it was, it was beautiful. Thanks all.
Hi Lady!
I would love to take credit for it, but it didn't come from us.
So you have a mystery to solve. Not a bad way to start a New Year......
Let me know next time you're in Fredericksburg and heading to The Range. I work down the road from there, and sometimes take a long lunch with coworkers to go blast off some rounds.
Sounds like a winner to me. Maybe I will bring something exotic to shoot, like the Mark IV Webley or the Broomhandle Mauser. Marines are like us A.D.D./A.D.H.D. folks, we LOVE strange, bright and shiny stuff.......-wicked grin-
Great – an audience. Watch the performance anxiety kick in and my wrist go limp. :grin:
I did a (very) little drill last night but find I’m paranoid that the magazine that I’ve just loaded with bright yellow dummy rounds that hasn’t left my sight or my hand has suddenly morphed into something filled with hollow-points. AND my hands are still sore from Tuesday. I’m such a wimp.
Susan, however, thinks it's all pretty cool and told me she can't wait until she's 7 so she can go to the indoor range with us.
Rick and Susan's future suitors need to be afraid....very afraid!
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